Getting to know Ibiza by foot. Four days walking around the island | Britton Brothers Photography

Getting to know Ibiza by foot. Four days walking around the island

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At the end of a busy wedding season last year we decided to spend four days walking around the island of Ibiza. The slow pace of walking really gives you a different perspective and allows you to take in much more than otherwise experienced by driving.

Apart from the north where the landscape is less navigable by track, it is possible to keep loosely to the coastline of Ibiza. We walked the island keeping the sea mostly in view, and quite a lot of the time we were by the shore. A great experience which took us four days. Sometimes we had to stick to the main arteries so walking during the summer season is not advisable. We walked it six weeks ago when the temperatures were much cooler and there are fewer tourists. We captured some photographs en route to remind the party of a great time.

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